Malaysia Forwarder
Regular price
Malaysia to Singapore
(Msia to SG)
Freight Forwarder and Custom Clearance
- Malaysia
- Custom declaration form / K2 form (M'sia - SG)
- Export to Singapore no need pay Malaysia tax.
- First time customer need apply SMK application
RM 15.00 / subset
- Singapore
- Custom Clearance Permit / CCP (M'sia - SG)
- Goods export to Singapore subjected to 7% GST ($S)
- GST payable to forwarder agent before delivery
Example (GST 7%):
Invoice Value: $ 100.00
GST: $ 100.00 X 0.07 % = $7.00
GST Payable: $ 7.00
- Both K2 & CCP needed for delivery from Malaysia to Singapore
- Professional custom agent for custom clearance
- Final rate subjected cargo and documents required
- Prohibited item is not allowed deliver to Singapore